This privacy policy regulates the collection, storage and processing of personal data that EVENTO collects from you when you subscribe to receive content such as e-news, invitations to events, publications and other products of EVENTO therm d.o.o. (hereinafter EVENT).
EVENTO respects your privacy and undertakes to protect the personal data obtained in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1) and the Personal Data Protection Regulations, and will use them exclusively for the purposes stated in the purpose of processing.
EVENTO acquires personal data in accordance with the Act ZVOP-1, on the basis of the Act or based on the personal consent of individuals. Before consenting to the processing of personal data, the individual is informed in writing or in another appropriate way about the purpose of the processing of personal data.
Personal data is collected in the event that you order a specific service from us, or when a specific transaction is carried out via this website at your request, such as e.g. membership in EVENTO, registration for training, seminar, consultation, conference or meeting, registration for EVENTO electronic newsletters and in the case of providing information about EVENTO activities.
Personal data is kept in writing or electronically. After the need for data management has ceased, the purpose of collecting personal data has been fulfilled, or on the basis of deregistration or a request for the deletion of personal data, the data is permanently and definitively deleted.


The manager of personal data of users on the website is:
Name: EVENTO therm d.o.o.
Post office and place: Pot za Brdom 100, 1000 Ljubljana
Tax number: 91463483
Email address:
Phone number: +386 1 24 25 770


The basis for the preparation of these privacy conditions is Slovenian and European legislation.
The privacy conditions are prepared in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1, Official Journal of the RS, No. 94/2007 and amendments), Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals in the processing of personal data and the free flow of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR), the Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom-1, Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 109/12 and sprom.) and other Slovenian and European legislation governing individual areas.


In accordance with the legislation, EVENTO respects legal principles regarding the processing of users’ personal data.
We process users’ personal data legally, fairly and transparently. We collect them for purposes that are specified in advance and are lawful. We do not pass on personal data.
We process all personal data only to the extent and for the purposes for which they are processed.
We keep personal data for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which we process it.
We take care of the security of all collected personal data. We prevent unauthorized or illegal processing.
These privacy terms are intended for visitors and users of the website


What types of user personal data do we collect:
name and surname
address of permanent or temporary residence
post office name and place
email address
Phone Number
IP address
Cookie ID
participation in trainings, seminars, dedications, exams and other events EVENTS (time, date and type)
the title of the payer of membership fees, seminars, workshops, consultations and education,
picture and sound recordings from EVENTO events,
other personal data that a natural person voluntarily provides to EVENTO.


EVENTO is an economic organization that provides services and energy products, as well as connects professional members and other stakeholders in the energy sector. The purpose of collecting, processing, storing and using data of legal entities and personal data of natural persons also follows from this:
We use the indicated data for the purposes of providing services under the membership agreement or on another legal basis (e.g. registration for an event, etc.), for information (e.g. sending news, reminders and announcements of events, invoices, provision of services) and direct marketing (sending informative material and offers).

Express consent is NOT required:
when it comes to fulfilling a contractual obligation, sending information related to the order of a product or service arising from a contractual obligation,
answering users’ questions when the answer is based on filling out the contact form on the website,
user registration on the website, for the purpose of using the operator’s services.

Express consent IS required:
for sending e-news (mailing) with marketing content,
when it comes to the collection of user data for the purpose of targeted advertising/remarketing (Google analytics, Facebook Pixel…).
We use all the data listed above for the purpose of informing about the process of purchasing a service or certificate. We also use the electronic address for the purpose of informing about news and advice (marketing mailings and news).
You can unsubscribe from the list of recipients of “marketing mailings” and “news” at any time by clicking on the appropriate link in the mailing, or by letting us know that we will do it for you.
We process the personal data you provide us when signing up for e-news, events and other EVENTO products with your clear and unequivocal consent based on Article 6 (1), (a) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In order to improve the quality of our products and services and for statistical purposes, in connection with the electronic messages we send you, we also process data on the display of received messages and clicks on links in received messages.

Contact forms/e-news

The website generally uses one form for user questions. In addition, he can use forms to register for events and for any additional questions. The personal data we collect with the mentioned forms are:

name and surname
E-mail address
We collect this personal data for the purpose of sending news and promotions related to the company’s activities. The activation of both categories requires the user’s agreement to the terms of the data protection policy.

Data storage

EVENTO stores your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purpose of processing to which you have given your consent. In the event that you no longer wish to receive content from the EVENTO site and unsubscribe from it, or in the event that you withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data for this purpose, we will delete your data in the EVENTO system or blocked and we will no longer use your data for this purpose.
The retention period for personal data may vary depending on the applicable sectoral legislation (e.g. tax, accounting legislation). In the event that applicable sectoral legislation specifies mandatory periods for the storage of personal data, EVENTO deletes personal data after the expiration of the mandatory period prescribed by law.


Data users are the website administrator and authorized persons of EVENTO. Access to personal data is permitted only to authorized employees of EVENTO and contractual processors (such as manufacturers and maintainers of computer applications, websites and information services, developers and implementers of software solutions, representatives in the conclusion and execution of contracts, including recovery and possible legal proceedings ), to the extent and for the purpose that is absolutely necessary for the smooth implementation of work processes, the provision of EVENTO services and the fulfillment of rights and obligations from concluded contractual relationships.
Some organizations or companies to whom we may disclose your personal data as our processors may be based outside the European Union, in countries that may not have laws that protect the right to the protection of personal data in the same way as in the European Union or Slovenia. In the event that your personal data is transferred to third countries (outside the EU and EEA), we will ensure and implement appropriate measures to ensure the security of personal data and the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, in accordance with applicable national and EU regulations and this Privacy Policy , so that we will use the foreseen mechanisms, such as binding business rules, standard contract clauses, etc.

A personal data processor is one who processes personal data on behalf of the controller. The processor can process only those personal data and for those purposes for which he received an instruction from the website operator.
All our personal data processors only process data in accordance with applicable legislation.
Processors of personal data of users who process personal data on behalf of the controller are:

1. Google Analytics

When you accept cookies on our site, data about your clicks starts to be recorded and sent to the Google Analytics system. With the help of Google Analytics, we monitor the habits of visitors to the website The collected data is anonymous for us, we cannot draw conclusions about the user’s identity based on it.
The data that we can understand from Google Analytics are:

which topics and areas on our website you viewed,
how long you stayed on each page,
how long your visit to our website lasted.
The Google Analytics algorithm is hidden and can be changed if Google decides to do so.

2. Google AdWords service

On our website, we use the web analytics service Google AdWords from Google Inc. The Google AdWords service uses cookies in order to retarget visitors later in the Google advertising network through online advertising remarketing campaigns. For the inclusion of remarketing ads, third-party providers use Google cookies based on the visit to the present website. You, as a user, have the option to deactivate the use of cookies by Google by calling up the Google deactivation page on the website

3. Maintenance of online services

Velcom and SCC maintain and update the website for us. For this purpose, their maintainers/programmers and our administrator have access to the company’s data.
The personal data they can access are:

username (pseudonym),
name and surname,
Phone Number,
E-mail address.
The company Velcom and SCC d.o.o. undertake not to use the personal data of our members for any purpose, except that which is necessary for the elimination of errors in our website and its smooth operation.

Questions about the confidentiality of your data, the method of data collection and use, or the desire for additional information will be answered by the person responsible for data management:
Name: EVENTO therm d.o.o.
Post office and place: Pot za Brdom 100, 1000 Ljubljana
Email address:
Phone number: +386 1 24 25 770


Processing of personal data
The administrator processes the personal data of website users and companies of legal entities with which they do business.
Contractual Basis for Processing
Upon ordering a service or product, a contractual legal basis for the processing of users’ personal data is created between the administrator and the user. This means that the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the user to whom the personal data relates is a contractual party or for the performance of measures at the request of such a user prior to the conclusion of the contract.
Where necessary, the operator provides the user with information about the processing of his personal data through notices on his website.


The operator (the person who determines the purposes and means of processing within the scope of his/her registered activity) provides notice of the use of cookies in a visible place on the website when the user visits the website. The administrator informs the user about the type, purpose and duration of the cookie.
Web cookies (hereinafter: cookies) are small files that the server sends to the user’s browser during a visit to the website, which then downloads them to the user’s device (computer, tablet, smartphone) with which the user accesses the website.
The website uses several different cookies for different purposes.
The website uses cookies that are necessary for the basic functionalities of the website.
The website uses cookies to collect information about how the website is used. These are cookies that primarily enable the analysis of the frequency and content of website browsing through the data on the internet protocol address, but are anonymous and do not allow tracking of an individual identified user.
The website uses cookies that enable anonymous tracking of information, on the basis of which we can better adapt our advertising to your needs

(Cookie name, cookie description, cookie duration).

DSID, GPS, IDE, NID, PREF, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, YSC; Cookies used by YouTube to display videos; up to 1 year
_gat Google Analytics cookie 1 day
DSID, DV, IDE, NID Google cookie to monitor visits for up to 1 year
1P_JAR Google cookie for tracking statistics for 1 month
By continuing to use the website, you agree to the installation of these cookies.

Mandatory cookies

These are cookies that are necessary for the basic functioning of the website. So, cookies that remember you so that you can browse websites without interruption. This group includes cookies that are used for the website to remember your input in online forms, etc. They are mandatory because, among other things, they ensure security and thus prevent abuse of systems.

Functional cookies

These analytical cookies allow us to improve the functionality of the site by using anonymous tracking. They also allow us to more easily identify products that would be of interest to you. In some cases, the advantage of these cookies is to improve the speed of processing your requests, to detect and save your preferences, and to help you connect to social networks. If you do not choose these cookies, this may be reflected in poorly designed recommendations and slower website performance. It will also be difficult to connect to social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.

Advertising cookies

These cookies collect information with which we adapt advertising to your taste, preferences and wishes. The data collected is anonymous and does not contain any personal information that you may have shared with us. If you do not choose these cookies, the advertisements you are exposed to may be less relevant to you.


Your rights to personal data.
Printout of personal data
If you ordered a service through our website, you can request a printout of your personal data that is in our databases. Send your request to We will respond to it within 30 days at the latest. The personal data you can expect in the printout are:

name and surname,
Phone Number,
E-mail address,
purpose of processing,
to which processors the data was forwarded,
period of storage of personal data,
familiarization with the rights of the user: the right to deletion, correction, restriction of processing or objection to such processing.
The user can request from the operator:

printout of personal data,
correction of personal data,
deletion of personal data,
limitation of personal data processing,
objection to the processing of personal data,
transfer of personal data,
right to appeal.
Personal data in connection with e-mails (e-newsletters)
Every e-mail we send contains a link to a page where you can unsubscribe from receiving our e-mails (e-news). If you can’t find the link, let us know at the e-mail address and we will help you with unsubscribing or deleted your e-mail address from the database for sending e-mails.


General provisions

EVENTO is not responsible for any errors resulting from the transmission of incorrect data. In the event of changes, necessary additions or incorrect personal data, EVENTO members can check and, if necessary, change or supplement their data, entered when registering for membership, on the member pages. All others by sending a message to the email address

When an individual’s membership ends or withdraws from EVENTO membership, their data is permanently deleted, unless there is another legal basis for the storage of their personal data.

Since there are certain links on the EVENTO website to other websites that are not in any way connected with EVENTO, EVENTO does not assume any responsibility for the protection of data on these websites

Binding nature of legal terms

These privacy terms apply to all website visitors who submit their personal data for management and further processing.
These privacy terms are binding on the administrator, processors and users when transmitting, managing and processing the user’s personal data. They are also always an integral part of any processing of personal data, in accordance with predefined purposes, bases for processing, user consent and types of personal data that are subject to further processing.

The privacy terms apply to all users or visitors to the website without exception.
When using the operator’s website, it is considered that the user is familiar with these privacy conditions in advance. These privacy terms are available on the operator’s website and in all forms and actions where the user submits personal data for processing.
We will inform you about any substantive changes to the policy via the e-mail address you provided us with, only in the event that these are significant changes that affect the processing of personal data. Anyone who did not write down their e-mail address or provided incorrect information when registering will be able to view a valid statement on this website.
If the user continues to use the EVENTO website, use the user account or use the EVENTO services after the change in the Privacy Policy, it is considered that he agrees with the changes.